memang kau baik!
memang kau bagus!
memang kau tak salah!
memang kau sorg yang betul!
memang kau rasa macam nak puiii jea aku!
memng kau sahajalah yang tak pernah buat salah!
memang aku fav aku remove2 ni!
memang aku tau kau tengah buat apa!
memang aku jahat macam setan!
memang perangai aku macam bangkai!
memang aku suka tengok kau sengsara!
memang aku suka buat kau terseksa!
memang sampai mati aku akan macam ni!
memang aku tak boleh nak udpated blog aku!
memang semua tu aku!
lagi? memang apa lagi yang kau nak cakap kat aku?
meh aku tolong carutkan!
memang shittt! shittt! shittt!
dah? ada lagi?
p/s: bengkak habis dah ni! :@
28 Julai 2011
24 Julai 2011
sengsara nak mula! O.o
hari ni hari last aku akan berada kat rumah..
esok dah start kelas dah.. =_="
sungguh malas nak balikk!
dah mula rasa bessstttt sgt dok rumah nie..
liat2 dah badan nak gerak menghadap lif yang ramai pagi2 buta esok!
serius macam tak puas giler bercty mid term nih..
apehal kejap sangat?
mulalah nak kena pikir pasal macam2 bende yang buat otak jadi jem..
budak2 tingkat sepuluh yang chomel2..
Buletin Bernas yang dah edisi ke berapa tah..
assignment yang melimpah luah ke ladang gandum..
perangaaiiii lagi nak layan..
kerenah lagi yang macam2!
ooohhh! sengsara betulll..
memang aku tengah REDHA habis ni, betul tak tipu punya..
dan memang usually aku memerlukan sokongan, dorangan serta khidmat nasihat dari kawan2 tersayang aku dalam on the way nak mencapai cita2 hujung tahun hadapan :)
jadi TOLONG, berikan kerjasama korg tau.. >_<
tima kasih.. sayang lebih laa.. O.O'
hehehe.. jumpa lagi blogger2 semua..
tata.. (+_+)

p/s: orang tegur sebab orang sayang. supaya kita sama2 boleh berubah utk jd semakin baik.sama-sama lah kita saling menjaga hati satu sama lain. semua ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2. jangan disebab kan 1 kekurangan kita lupa 100 kebaikan dia. renung2 kan laa. Insan Yang Cemerlang Datangnya Dari Akal,Hati Yang Tenang,Jiwa Yang Mantap.
esok dah start kelas dah.. =_="
sungguh malas nak balikk!
dah mula rasa bessstttt sgt dok rumah nie..
liat2 dah badan nak gerak menghadap lif yang ramai pagi2 buta esok!
serius macam tak puas giler bercty mid term nih..
apehal kejap sangat?
mulalah nak kena pikir pasal macam2 bende yang buat otak jadi jem..
budak2 tingkat sepuluh yang chomel2..
Buletin Bernas yang dah edisi ke berapa tah..
assignment yang melimpah luah ke ladang gandum..
perangaaiiii lagi nak layan..
kerenah lagi yang macam2!
ooohhh! sengsara betulll..
memang aku tengah REDHA habis ni, betul tak tipu punya..
dan memang usually aku memerlukan sokongan, dorangan serta khidmat nasihat dari kawan2 tersayang aku dalam on the way nak mencapai cita2 hujung tahun hadapan :)
jadi TOLONG, berikan kerjasama korg tau.. >_<
tima kasih.. sayang lebih laa.. O.O'
hehehe.. jumpa lagi blogger2 semua..
tata.. (+_+)
23 Julai 2011
aku suke quotes2 nie :)
~ She says she doesn't care, but her eyes tell a different story.
~ Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me.
~ To tell you the truth, I've just been avoiding everything.
~Don't say you know me, when I don't even know myself.
~ I think I'm afraid of being happy because everytime I'm happy, something bad always happens.
~ Just once I want someone to look at me right away and think I was beautiful. Not after they get to know me, or after they see inside my soul, just me. I want to walk in a room and light up, not blend.
~ I know God wouldn't give me anything I can't handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much.
~ A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest. He broke many hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best.
~ When I do something great, no one ever seems to remember, but when I do something wrong, no one can ever seem to forget.
~There is only one rain cloud in the sky...and it's raining on me. Somehow I'm not surprised.
~ I wake up and think dreams are real. I sleep so I don't have to feel.
~ It's not that I wanna have it, it's just that I wanna deserve it.
~ I don't know if you've ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years, or just not exist, or just not be aware that you do exist, or something like that. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. That's why I'm trying not to think. I just want it all to stop spinning.
-The Perks of Being A Wildflower-
~ Walking down the hall with her head held high, every hair is in its place, sees a friend and she waves hi, wearing a smile on her perfect face. Friendly, smart, and beautiful, everyone adores this girl. Seemingly content, her head's in a whirl. Inside she's unhappy, and doesn't know why. She lays in her bed at night and cries. She doesn't know what causes the tears; how could this princess have insecurities or fears? She has it all. A pretty smile, many friends, a great guy, the newest trends, her family has money, she gets good grades, has her own car, and her makeup never fades. Always looking happy, every single day, but inside she's feeling a different way. This is wonder girl, she's everyone's dream, but things aren't always what they seem.
~ I don't deserve you...I never did.
~ Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand.
~ No matter what, no matter who, no matter what I do, somebody hates me. -Reel Big Fish-
~ Cause fucking up takes practice, and I feel I'm well rehearsed.
~ I didn't want to admit it. It was easier to lie. Hide the hurt and emptiness to smile instead of cry.
~ I've learned it takes years to build up trust, but only seconds to destroy it.
~ Life doesn't hurt until you think about how much things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it was your fault.
~ Why can't you just love me for who I am?
~ Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense? Well that's how I feel right now...I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile...
~ I don't know if I'm getting better or just used to the pain.
~ Sometimes I wish I could just be a little kid again. So when life gets tough you can just play pretend. I wanna go back to when Santa did exist. When your daddy was the only boy you ever kissed. When Disney World was the best place to be. When the only movies you could see were rated G. When your biggest problem was learning to write your name and people didn't change...and your friends were the same. And every time you were sad or you had a bad day. You could just run to mommy and it would all be okay. I wanna go back to no hurt...and no pain...just laughter. When everyone always lives happily ever after.
~ When I cry at night, the only thing I can think to myself can I seem so---perfectly fine in the morning. Why do I smile like nothing is wrong? And how does not one single person notice that I'm not okay?
~ I don't know what I want in life. I don't know what I want right now. All I know is that I'm hurting so much inside that it's eating me, and one day, there won't be any more of me left. Everything that ever cause a tear to trickle down my cheeks, I run away and hide from it. But now, everything is unwinding and finding its way back towards me. And I don't know what to do. I just know that the pain I felt so long ago, it's hurting ten times more.
~ Teardrops slowly fall from my eyes as I look to the sky, and I question how come life keeps passing me right on by. I just wonder why I can't escape, is this my fate? To always be unhappy and how much longer must I wait...
~ Words hurt more than anything else can, because they last, sometimes forever.
~ It sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you. -Scrubs-
~ I wanna get lost from my life sometimes, sit on the side and watch the world go by, I wanna get lost and I don't know why. -Everclear-
~ Have you ever lived my life, have you ever spent one minute in my shoes? If you haven't, then tell me why you judge me like you do.
~ Every morning you get up and put on a fake smile...but what if one morning you didn't? Would anyone notice?
~ I'm not saying I have nothing. I'm not saying I'm gone completely. It's just sometimes it's all a bit too much to handle. Sometimes I feel like it's too much. I'm not going to do anything stupid because I know it will get better, it has to right? Otherwise there wouldn't be anyone who would live past their teenage years. But for now, just for now, it hurts.
~ You know sometimes, like when someone dies, and you're sad, and it's ok to be sad? But then there are times when you're supposed to be happy but you're sad anyway...and those times are even worse than the times when you're supposed to be sad.
~ I just don't feel like I know myself very well right now, so how can I be sure about anything? Most of the time I feel so awkward, you know, like I don't belong in my own skin, I get frustrated at everything, I could just scream and there's no reason for it, I just hate myself.
p/s : korg semua bole tafsir aku macam2, tapi disebalik kisah kehidupan aku korg tak tahu, jadi korg orang tak layak nak nilai aku kalau korg semua tak kenal hati budi aku.. hati aku tetap hati aku, dan hati aku hanya aku sorg jea yang tahu..
Saya Nak Cuty - Gold Coast Morib :)
kali ni malas nak bercerita, jadi..
kita semua tgk gmbar je yerrr!! :)
kita semua tgk gmbar je yerrr!! :)
Aish excited dah nak pergi.. siap bawak surf board dye.. =) |
testing2.. ok tak board nie? |
Hah! the place to be Gold Coast Morib :) |
Alang berposing dgn anak buahnya :) |
bila dah sampai kita kne tgk suit dye dulu.. oke la nie.. :) |
posing dulu :p |
wow! facilities dye mmg terbaikkk! thumbs up :) |
hah! nila water park nye.. syoookkk!! |
letih menunggu bersia nak pi mandi! aiyooo.. |
berdekatan dengan hotel ade laut! dan dorg jugak ade sediakan kemudahan untuk lepak malam2.. besttt! |
pemandangannye mmg cantik kalau korg duduk kat bawah pangkin2 nie :) |
muke dye lagi nak berposing, amikklahhhh!! |
makan2 sebelum pulang :) kedainya lemau |
stop at nilai, kununnya nak beli baju raya.. habuk pon takde, nak cari kat first lady :) |
p/s : begitulah ceritanya, gambar byk lagi tapi malas nak upload.. gambar mandi-manda takdeneyr.. hehe.. temapt ni mmg bagus, korg semua patut pg, especially yang berkeluarga.. mak cakap nnty nak datang lagi.. yeayy!! :)
meluat habisss! =.="
apalah masalah nya ni weyh, come on lah..
wake up from your day dreaming..
nak marah, tapi pikir kau member..
rasa macam dah tak bole nak sabar lagi dah ni..
kau kenapa?
asyik dok nak melayan sejenis ni?
tak serik2 lagi apa yang dah jadi dulu..
orang buang macam sampah, tak ingat?
realise la weyh, sejenis ni semua sama jea..
kau tak payah lah nak terhegeh2 nak melayan..
macam dah takde jantan kat dunia ni dah..
janji2 kau kat aku tu, dah lupa ke?
ke buat2 tak ingat..
aduhh, sebab sayang lah ni aku nak tegur, pk syg member lagilah ni..
kalau tak, dah lama buat tak tau dah weyhhh..
kau couple dengan sejenis tu nak buat ape, cuba ckp..
nak tunjuk kat ex kau yang kau dah dapat yang baru..
macam tu?
tak diterima bumi tau kalau kau buat perangai macam tu..
ingat mak ayah kau rasa apa? seronok?
kecewa dengan sikap kau tu, dah la anak first..
tunjuklah contoh yang baik sikit..
jangan sampai adik2 ikut..
tak elok.. faham?
member2, apelah nak jadi dengan kau ni..
memang mak ayah tak nampak apa yang kau buat tu semua..
tapi yang maha esa tu, kau lupa dah ke?
please la..
member oh member..
kalau tak sayang aku tak tegur tau..
p/s : ubahlah perangai, kiamat dah nak dekat awak! >_<
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